Configuring Crossplane with Argo CD

This document is for an older version of Crossplane.

This document applies to Crossplane version v1.18 and not to the latest release v1.19.

Argo CD and Crossplane are a great combination. Argo CD provides GitOps while Crossplane turns any Kubernetes cluster into a Universal Control Plane for all of your resources. Configuration details are required in order for the two to work together properly. This doc will help you understand these requirements. It is recommended to use Argo CD version 2.4.8 or later with Crossplane.

Argo CD synchronizes Kubernetes resource manifests stored in a Git repository with those running in a Kubernetes cluster (GitOps). Argo CD has different ways to configure how it tracks resources. With Crossplane, you need to configure Argo CD to use Annotation based resource tracking. See the Argo CD docs for additional detail.

Configuring Argo CD with Crossplane

Set Resource Tracking Method

In order for Argo CD to correctly track Application resources that contain Crossplane related objects it needs to be configured to use the annotation mechanism.

To configure it, edit the argocd-cm ConfigMap in the argocd Namespace as such:

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: ConfigMap
4  application.resourceTrackingMethod: annotation

Set Health Status

Argo CD has a built-in health assessment for Kubernetes resources. Some checks are supported by the community directly in Argo’s repository. For example the Provider from has already been declared which means there no further configuration needed.

Argo CD also enable customising these checks per instance, and that’s the mechanism used to provide support of Provider’s CRDs.

To configure it, edit the argocd-cm ConfigMap in the argocd Namespace.

ProviderConfig may have no status or a status.users field.

  1apiVersion: v1
  2kind: ConfigMap
  4  application.resourceTrackingMethod: annotation
  5  resource.customizations: |
  6    "**":
  7      health.lua: |
  8        health_status = {
  9          status = "Progressing",
 10          message = "Provisioning ..."
 11        }
 13        local function contains (table, val)
 14          for i, v in ipairs(table) do
 15            if v == val then
 16              return true
 17            end
 18          end
 19          return false
 20        end
 22        local has_no_status = {
 23          "ProviderConfig",
 24          "ProviderConfigUsage"
 25        }
 27        if obj.status == nil or next(obj.status) == nil and contains(has_no_status, obj.kind) then
 28          health_status.status = "Healthy"
 29          health_status.message = "Resource is up-to-date."
 30          return health_status
 31        end
 33        if obj.status == nil or next(obj.status) == nil or obj.status.conditions == nil then
 34          if obj.kind == "ProviderConfig" and obj.status.users ~= nil then
 35            health_status.status = "Healthy"
 36            health_status.message = "Resource is in use."
 37            return health_status
 38          end
 39          return health_status
 40        end
 42        for i, condition in ipairs(obj.status.conditions) do
 43          if condition.type == "LastAsyncOperation" then
 44            if condition.status == "False" then
 45              health_status.status = "Degraded"
 46              health_status.message = condition.message
 47              return health_status
 48            end
 49          end
 51          if condition.type == "Synced" then
 52            if condition.status == "False" then
 53              health_status.status = "Degraded"
 54              health_status.message = condition.message
 55              return health_status
 56            end
 57          end
 59          if condition.type == "Ready" then
 60            if condition.status == "True" then
 61              health_status.status = "Healthy"
 62              health_status.message = "Resource is up-to-date."
 63              return health_status
 64            end
 65          end
 66        end
 68        return health_status
 70    "**":
 71      health.lua: |
 72        health_status = {
 73          status = "Progressing",
 74          message = "Provisioning ..."
 75        }
 77        local function contains (table, val)
 78          for i, v in ipairs(table) do
 79            if v == val then
 80              return true
 81            end
 82          end
 83          return false
 84        end
 86        local has_no_status = {
 87          "Composition",
 88          "CompositionRevision",
 89          "ControllerConfig",
 90          "DeploymentRuntimeConfig",
 91          "ImageConfig",
 92          "ProviderConfig",
 93          "ProviderConfigUsage"
 94        }
 95        if obj.status == nil or next(obj.status) == nil and contains(has_no_status, obj.kind) then
 96            health_status.status = "Healthy"
 97            health_status.message = "Resource is up-to-date."
 98          return health_status
 99        end
101        if obj.status == nil or next(obj.status) == nil or obj.status.conditions == nil then
102          if obj.kind == "ProviderConfig" and obj.status.users ~= nil then
103            health_status.status = "Healthy"
104            health_status.message = "Resource is in use."
105            return health_status
106          end
107          return health_status
108        end
110        for i, condition in ipairs(obj.status.conditions) do
111          if condition.type == "LastAsyncOperation" then
112            if condition.status == "False" then
113              health_status.status = "Degraded"
114              health_status.message = condition.message
115              return health_status
116            end
117          end
119          if condition.type == "Synced" then
120            if condition.status == "False" then
121              health_status.status = "Degraded"
122              health_status.message = condition.message
123              return health_status
124            end
125          end
127          if contains({"Ready", "Healthy", "Offered", "Established"}, condition.type) then
128            if condition.status == "True" then
129              health_status.status = "Healthy"
130              health_status.message = "Resource is up-to-date."
131              return health_status
132            end
133          end
134        end
136        return health_status    

Set Resource Exclusion

Crossplane providers generates a ProviderConfigUsage for each of the managed resource (MR) it handles. This resource enable representing the relationship between MR and a ProviderConfig so that the controller can use it as finalizer when a ProviderConfig is deleted. End users of Crossplane aren’t expected to interact with this resource.

Argo CD UI reactivity can be impacted as the number of resource and types grow. To help keep this number low we recommend hiding all ProviderConfigUsage resources from Argo CD UI.

To configure resource exclusion edit the argocd-cm ConfigMap in the argocd Namespace as such:

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: ConfigMap
4    resource.exclusions: |
5      - apiGroups:
6        - "*"
7        kinds:
8        - ProviderConfigUsage      

The use of "*" as apiGroups will enable the mechanism for all Crossplane Providers.

Increase Kubernetes Client QPS

As the number of CRDs grow on a control plane it will increase the amount of queries Argo CD Application Controller needs to send to the Kubernetes API. If this is the case you can increase the rate limits of the Argo CD Kubernetes client.

Set the environment variable ARGOCD_K8S_CLIENT_QPS to 300 for improved compatibility with a large number of CRDs.

The default value of ARGOCD_K8S_CLIENT_QPS is 50, modifying the value will also update ARGOCD_K8S_CLIENT_BURST as it is default to ARGOCD_K8S_CLIENT_QPS x 2.